Is someone you love thinking of killing themself?

Learn the signs of suicidal thoughts & get help before it’s too late

Elizabeth Collins
13 min readNov 23, 2020

Last year my brother-in-law killed himself. I had just seen him the night before & I had no idea that he was that severely depressed. I knew he was upset because the day before he & my sister’s house had burned down. (I wrote about that in detail here:

All of their friends were pitching in with clothing, food, money, and offers for a place to stay, and my sister seemed to be handling things well.

When I first saw him that night, I hugged him. We didn’t normally hug, but I felt it was the only way to express my sympathy about the loss of their home. I will always be glad that I did. He seemed like his usual self — talkative & friendly, so I thought he was okay.

I’ll never forget how I felt when my sister called the next morning & told me he shot himself. I wondered if he was dead but I was afraid to ask. Maybe he was injured but not dead. Did he accidentally shoot himself? As she explained to me, I realized that he was dead. There was no letter, but he had made a few calls first, one of them to 911. The security camera at his business had recorded it, so there was no doubt it was suicide.

Photo by Andrew Gook on Unsplash



Elizabeth Collins

Health, psychology, current events, politics, cats, tech… Suicide prevention & mental health are extra important to me. Stereotypes fall when we talk openly.